How An Integrated Website Can Improve Your Jewelry Business
A website increases customer's exposure and access to your jewelry store, translating into more sales.
By now, you’ve heard it at least a thousand times— a company website can improve your business tremendously. You may be a bit unsure, but the benefits of a website are truly significant.
A website increases customer's exposure and access to your jewelry store, translating into more sales. The upcoming generations do all of their shopping online. They often base their image of your company entirely off of how your website appears.
With a website, customers can shop even after your jewelry store is closed, at any time they please. People searching late at night can spend time acquainting themselves with (and hopefully falling in love with) your company online, leading them to make purchases. People are exponentially more likely to make in-store purchases from a modern company they feel familiar with from online consumer research than they are from a company that has no online presence and appears "outdated".
Customers already shop anytime and anywhere from their smart phones: on their commute, on their coffee break, in their downtime. With a website, you are able to reach customers all over the world, i.e. those who are out of driving distance from your jewelry store whose business you would lose without a web presence. A website makes your company accessible everywhere and always; it brings your company to your customer’s fingertips and fits it into the extra time in your customer’s day.
If your jewelry company does not have an online presence or has an outdated inaccurate website, you are most likely losing a large amount of potential customers. Though the idea of a website may seem daunting, BusinessMind Software for Jewelers and it's Shopify connector makes it virtually effortless to run and upkeep a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing website.
With most jewelry software inventory programs, the upkeep of a website is very tedious and hard to manage as jewelers have to update both their inventory control program and their website with each new item, price change, description addition, or sale. However, with BusinessMind Software for Jewelers and Shopify, your company’s website will be connected to your BusinessMind jewelry inventory program, so each change in your inventory only requires a simple update in a single place: BusinessMind. Each change will be automatically updated on your company’s website in real time. Every price change, every sale, every addition to inventory is instantly transferred to your website, giving customers an accurate image of your company and therefore attracting them quicker.
Guest blogger Katia Ariyan is a full time student at Barnard College with experience in the jewelry industry through her families businesses. When she is not blogging about BusinessMind Software for Jewelers, she can usually be found writing historical fiction, creative nonfiction, fantasy, poetry, and screenplays.