What's New In BusinessMind

Update 2021-12-06

Here at DCIT we’re always working to improve the BusinessMind platform by releasing new features, squashing bugs, and delivering fresh documentation. Here’s what we’ve been working on in the latest update.

Under The Hood

Most of the work in this update is “under the hood”. As we continue to work on bringing the web/mobile interface to full release, we needed to do some refactoring on the backend services in order to help us speed up our release cycle while guaranteeing rock solid stability. While we all love to see new features flowing out when we get updates, sometimes we need to “clean the garage” before we can roll out the next fancy new set of rims. 😎

Bugs Squashed

  1. There was a regression in the last release where we added a feature to show more information on standard job printouts. Unfortunately the problem prevented this from working for jobs created at the POS … which is where you wanted it most! Well that should be fixed in this release … just in time for the big end of month rush on special orders!

  2. We noticed that sometimes the email that the system sent to let you know that a batch import is completed could have some ugly HTML code showing. Though it didn’t cause any functional problems, we like it better when everything is sharp looking, and we know you do to! 😎

Alessia Minassian