What's New In BusinessMind

Update 2021-09-22

Here at DCIT we’re always working to improve the BusinessMind platform by releasing new features, squashing bugs, and delivering fresh documentation. Here’s what we’ve been working on in the latest update.

Print Layout Changes

  1. System standard Job printouts have more customer information on them now. The changes are based on customer feedback collected from a recent poll. Thanks to everyone who participated in that poll. We really love to hear what you think about things we can do to make the application better, and, we think you’re going to love the changes made to the job printout in this update.

  2. The deposit amount shown on system standard job and layaway receipts indicates the amount of deposits paid towards that specific job or layaway. In the past it may have included “legacy” deposits the customer had made which were not able to be assigned to a particular transaction due to the limitations of pre-2018 legacy systems. So if you still have any legacy deposits floating around in your customer data, now is a good time to get them converted.

Performance Enhancements

  1. Model screens for adding or viewing will load faster due to caching improvements on the server side. Faster is always better! 😎

Bugs Squashed

  1. There was an extra carriage return hiding at the end of customer addresses when they were created from the POS. Thanks to the customers who reported the issue. We’ve now squashed that little annoyance.

  2. Also patched up a situation that could cause all quantities of items imported into a Memo to become initially set to one instead of the quantity that was indicated in the file. That’s solved now so for those customers who create large memos by a file import, no need to go back through and fix quantities any more.

  3. We fixed a problem that could occur sometimes for some SKUs if you add a material in a Job Take In at the POS and the qty of the material is greater than one. So no more annoying error messages there!

  4. Fixed a few miscellaneous UI stutters and skips for a smoother experience. We know everyone appreciates that! 😎

Alessia Minassian